India’s first Hyperloop test track, spanning 410 meters, has been successfully completed at the IIT Madras Discovery Campus in Thaiyur, Chennai. This significant achievement is credited to a collaborative effort by Indian Railways, IIT-Madras’ Avishkar Hyperloop team, TuTr (an incubated startup at IIT Madras)
The completion of this track marks a pivotal moment in India’s pursuit of hyperloop technology, aimed at ultra-high-speed transportation. This initiative not only showcases India’s advancements in futuristic transport but also positions the country as a potential leader in Hyperloop development in Asia. The test track is designed for testing autonomous, levitating pods at speeds potentially reaching up to 200 kilometers per hour, demonstrating the practical application of Hyperloop technology for both passengers and cargo.
This signifies a major step towards sustainable and efficient mass mobility technology, potentially from India for the world, combining efforts from government, academia, and industry and fostering innovation in transport technology.
Though the technology is in nascent stage, The advancement of Hyperloop technology in India could benefit several companies across various sectors specially in specialty steel, Engineering, Renewable Energy and IT sector. Companies in OEM space could explore opportunities in manufacturing components for Hyperloop systems, or adapt their technologies for integration with Hyperloop transport solutions. Advancement in Hyperloop might spur growth in solar energy solutions companies if solar panels become a significant part of the energy supply for these systems. By using solar power for the propulsion systems, Hyperloops promise to be an environmentally friendly mode of transport.
Earlier ArcelorMittal entered into a collaboration with the Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Madras) to advance Hyperloop technology. The collaboration aimed at developing and potentially commercializing cost-effective Hyperloop technologies for high-speed, reliable, and sustainable transportation solutions. ArcelorMittal and ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India (AM/NS India) are providing foundational steel materials. AM/NS India is supplying around 400 tonnes of steel for the construction of a 400-meter vacuum tube at the site. Beyond materials, ArcelorMittal offers engineering, design, and project management expertise. AMDEC, ArcelorMittal’s design and engineering arm in India, has engineers working with the Hyperloop team to provide design and engineering support during critical installation phases. The track will be used to test autonomous, levitating pods within the vacuum tube, with initial speeds potentially reaching up to 200 kilometers per hour.
Globally companies like Virgin Hyperloop (formerly Hyperloop One) have conducted successful passenger tests and are exploring routes like the one proposed between Chicago and Cleveland. Zeleros Hyperloop, a Spanish startup, has been working on developing hyperloop technologies, aiming for routes connecting cities like Madrid and Barcelona. In Netherlands, Hardt Hyperloop has been developing technology and testing facilities at the European Hyperloop Center.
In United States there have been delays, companies like Virgin Hyperloop (formerly Hyperloop One) have conducted successful passenger tests and are exploring routes like the one proposed between Chicago and Cleveland. China is actively pursuing Hyperloop technology, with plans for a commercial hyperloop system between Shanghai and Hangzhou. This project could significantly reduce travel time between these cities.
Hyperloop systems aim to achieve speeds up to 1,000 km/h, significantly reducing travel times between cities. Though initial costs for development and infrastructure are high, but operational costs could be lower than conventional transport systems due to the energy efficiency of magnetic levitation and reduced maintenance due to the vacuum environment. Various market research reports suggest a significant growth trajectory for the Hyperloop technology market, with projections of the market reaching billions in value over the next decade due to increasing interest in high-speed, eco-friendly transport solutions.
India under the leadership of Hon’ble PM Modi is emerging as key Global Leder in Economy, Engineering and Defence. Advancement in Hyperloop Technology is an example of how India is on path to becoming a leader in engineering is marked by its ability to leverage its human capital, foster innovation, and address global challenges through engineering solutions.
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