

Johnson & Johnson Announces $55 billion Investment in the United States

Johnson & Johnson announced that it plans to invest more than $55 billion in the United States over the next four years. This investment focuses on manufacturing, research and development, and technology, including the construction of four new manufacturing facilities. The initiative kicked off with the groundbreaking of a high-tech



Nasdaq Facilitate Raising $14.8 billion for 156 Firms in 2022

In 2022, Nasdaq has welcomed 156 initial public offerings (IPOs). It has facilitated the raising  of $14.8 billion in total. This year, Nasdaq listed 85 operating companies and 71 SPACs, representing an 89% win rate in the US market and extending Nasdaq’s leadership to 36 consecutive quarters. There were 29

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COP 27 – Nations Needs to Work Together to Avert Climate Crises

According to the United Nations estimates, Only 29 of 194 countries have presented tightened national plans since COP26 in Glasgow. Despite the fact that many countries are bending the curve but efforts remain insufficient and inadequate to limit global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius by the end of the

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